1 in 8 dudes would dump their girlfriend for an Ipod!!

The heading sounds weird eh?? its the result of an interesting survey conducted @ U.K on behalf of a company that wants you to use it to buy more gadgets.
Reportedly, a UK survey conducted by GfK NOP on behalf of mobile price search agent 60207, found that nearly one out of every eight men surveyed would willingly ditch their girlfriend for a hot gadget, which was classified as a svelte HDTV, iPod, or some other gizmos..While the 16 to 24-year olds were quickest to swap a person for a gadget (17-percent), only 2-percent of the happily married 55 to 65-year old crowd was wiling to make the swap(i dont think gizmos appeal much to them)..
Its not over yet..as nearly six-percent of ladies admitted that they would kick their man to the curb for a lovely piece of electronic kit, but considering just how much the dames have fallen for gizmos of late, this isn't all that shocking...
People who buy gadgets AND have sweet, sweet love with another human being SIMULTANEOUSLY will remain baffled at the survey's very basis.So Nxt time when you plan to select a your boy/girl(esp geeks) friend kindly be on your guard.. But I aint all that bad :)!!
Courtesy: Tech Digest