What color are you gonna wear tomo?

I wanted to make this post desperately today since i was reserving this post for the day but unfortunately i had lots a work to do in office today which gives very little time for me to post this one since i have to resume the uncompleted work!! this one is gonna be short in contrast to the previous bigger posts.
yeah the picture signifies the occasion am gonna talk about and offcourse the topic of the post as well no surprises in that as it happens to be valentine s day , i havent heard of this day much when i was in school and all (or may be i was ignorant) the hype to this day has certainly increased over the past 3-4 years and every year the hype just keeps on getting better, i am sure everyone will agree with me on this.. no matter to whichever store or shop you go to it will have a message saying "Valentine's Day greeting cards available here" the people who happen to make more money out of this happens to be none other than Greeting card manufacturers along with the cellular service providers who came up with innovative packages to promote the day and its also been announced by most of the service providers that any sms that is going to be send tomoro will be charged :( which makes it a big occasion like new year and diwali cause normally on these days only sms gets charged now a days!!
i will come to more of valentine's day in the later part of the post, i will move on to the observations i made over the past six months in chennai, for it was much more sophisticated and different life than what it was at my home place in madurai!! first of them happened to be the xmas celebrations in my office!! they were done to a grand scale effect i was amazed at the xmas tree and the beauty in the tree happened to be the fact that it was designed by many non christian folks!! i was so happy to see that thing,unity in diversity!!
But the same kinda participation was not found in other indian festivals,xmas is widely celebrated in the west than we do,in india it comes next to diwali and other festivals i was totally shocked to see no celebrations of any sort were arranged for the pongal and diwali and one more thing in chennai i observed not many of the traditions followed in my home town were followed here like the case of maargali(Its the name of a tamil month) month kolams i have rarely seen kolams in chennai city compared to the huge number in my home place on early mornings during that month and same was the case with karthigai deepam also called the festival of lights not many people lighted on those days in chennai, but madurai was a beautiful sight on that day!!i can go on citing numerous examples which shows that western culture is rapidly overwriting ours..
The thing that worries me is the fact that everyone looks to chennai as a role model and when the people stop a traditional thing, this will be copied in the other part of the state as well and its the case with other states was well and some day we might even forget the traditions for which our country was known for!! there is nothing wrong in embracing the western culture but we should also remember the fact that we should maintain our originality cause no country in the world has a cultural heritage like ours.
coming back to the valentine's day,in my perspective people in love dont need a predetermined day to show their affection and devotion for each other. Love is something that happens everyday and doesn’t need to be reinforced through gifts and cards ,its my simple point and having a girlfriend/boyfriend is a prestige issue now a days, as long as people have that mindset the true purpose of the valentine's day will not be served at all!! anyways i have made my point and i wish all of you a happy valentines day as well!!
P.S. My color is gonna be grey tomo(which means i am not interested in this frenzy!!)
Untill next time!!
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@fatima i agree with you
@princess will visit once u r done..