Die Hardest!!
Its been so long since i have blogged, i have so many drafts which went unpublished which includes posts on deathly hallows, indian independence day, my past 3 months expeditions and even one on the worse F1 rivalries... but no one of the blogs is complete thanks to the superb firewall in my office now am unable to make a single post..by the time i reach home its almost 10 @ nite,which mathematically eliminates the possiblity and the frequency of my posts..i was test trialing wordpress before i could make a move that was also restricted..enough of the crap atlast i have devised a way to bypass the firewall to make a post.. i dunno how long this will work out..so making this post real faster..
As the post suggests,this is going to be on the Live Free or Die hard which is running successfully in all major cities..Die hard 4.0 is how its called in the introscenes, The first three films in this series have all been my favourites so naturally i was expecting this film for almost an year ever since i heard that its being done, other two films i expect much more are Rambo 4 and National Treasure 2: Book of secrets both slated for next year summer releases..before entering the theatre i thought this film wont be much similiar to the first film for the first die hard film was my favourite among the three..alas i was wrong!!!
**************Spoilers Below!!!Ye Be Warned!!!*****************************

Will John Mclane and his single pistol succeed in yet another film??? was the question of many critics when the film was released showing a old bruce willis in the posters...But how wrong they were, as a matter of fact the magic worked again and i should say i was stunned by the stunts in the film!! i watched a preview show sometime back on AXN channel which was covering the stunts of the Die Hard 4.0 they said stunts were real and no dupes were used and Bruce willis took great risks in the orchestration of stunt scenes and the film is touted to beat pirates of the caribbean: At world's end in stunt choreography next year.. (The Last year winner was 300!!!) Before i get to the plot i got to pass the verdict, it was a typical die hard film, it was as good as the first film but there was no villain like Hans Gruber which was played by Alan Rickman(Also wellknown for his portrayal of Severus Snape in Harry Potter Movies!!) in the first film,but the action scenes make up for the villain..Its worth watching once atleast in theatre...
I watched the film in Seasons theatre of sathyam cinemas...this time the film was eventful in theatres cause it had the applauses and comments(very very rare in multiplexes, but the funda of film viewing is best in madurai)..The film starts with death of many computer hackers who are terminated for some reason which have to solved by who else? The FBI!! they soon send Detective Mcclane(willis) to investigate the issue to enquire a hacker named farell(played by justing long of jeepers creepers fame) and the action starts right away.. once again bruce willis finds himself as the "wrong person @ wrong place @ wrong time"(my previous blog title was inspired from diehard only!!) and he manages to kill handful number of terrrorists to save farell..together they plan to reach FBI Director.
Else where the villain is revealed and is on the process of revealing a mass attack on united states,then they begin their operations by making the traffic come to halt by controlling traffic lights, sending fake anthrax alarms in white house to make the computer people to evacuate to prevent their counter attack and funniest of them all they make the stock market shares go bonkers!! whole washington DC goes crazy at the time McClane and farell reach FBI boss who looks worser than all FBI heads shown in the entire series..then the message from the crooks come as a video footage that part was also hilarious which had the entire theatre rofl..the footage shows many american presidents delivering threat messages saying the crooks cannot be touched.. then farell begins to get the thick of things and he says its called firesale attack which is based on everything must go meaning Any computer-operated system will be a target for such an attack, including traffic signals, financial information and disabling of many public utilities..
McClane wants to ensure the safety of farell and therefore escorts, but villains are super snoopers and they are able to eliminate farell and McClane alone from the escort of the cars and this is when McClane talks with the Villain who asks him to shoot Farell and inreturn he can get anything he wants..Its like making a deal with devil as usual McClane Declines and this results in yet another pulsating chase sequence... Probably the best stunt in the movie.. Applause lasted a long time for the scene in which McClane brings the Helicopter with a car.. Whoa!! Typical McClane!
Then the remainder of the film shows the adventures of McClane and Farell tryin to use reverse analogy to track the villains, The Scene in which McClane talks about the drawbacks of being a hero saying..Because of being a hero no one recognizes him,the guy was left desolate with no wife and even children had great aversion from him(though it changes in the climax) as shown in the initial scene of the film where his daugher scolds him to leave her alone.. Finally saying "i dont like to do this job, if there was anyone to do it i would give it to them and leave but the fact is there is no one to do"..The scene would really discover the desolate part of McClane..
Then the usual diehard stuff, the action gets too personal McClane kills the girlfriend of villain Thomas Gabriel who threatens to kill McClane's daughter Lucy in return,the villain is later revealed to be former employee of NSA but dismissed for trying to prove a point that america's system is vulnerable(by hacking into US defense systems in a board meeting :)).. and the aim of the firesale was to make sure that Thomas Gabriel gets all financial info of stock markets which gets automatically stored into the NSA datacentre as a backup fearing the Firesale crisis.. McClane after discovering this says one of the most famous diehard phrases viz " Its always been for money!!"
Finally the big chase ensues..McClane pursues the villains who kidnapped lucy and farell in a truck and is about to ram them.. but before that villains hack into the F35 jet and orders them to toast the truck..F35 one of those planes with vertical take off feature is shown in the film, its been incorporated into the US airforce offlate..The Chase sequence is Bloody Brilliant.. After the spectacular chase comes the climax scene where in McClane eliminates all villains including thomas gabriel with the eternal signature punch "Yippee Ki Yay, @!_#(@!(#)!@(#_@(#!@()" (Bit euphemistic here).. Once again like in tamil films FBI comes in @ the closing ceremony!! the film ends with blooming of romance between Lucy and Farell(tats always on the cards)
Here s my take on the film, The film lives upto the expectation of mindboggling action film.. Bruce willis surely may look old, but sure got style.. arrogant pride is what makes his character looks iconic!!
Best Chase: The Helicopter chase tunnel sequence, brilliantly orchestrated!! see it in the theatre to see its real velocity!!
Best Comic scene: The scene in which farell tries to stop McClane from tearing the ignition plug of the car(when mcclane tries to start the car by ripping the ignition plug) by telling the fake reason to the answering lady had everyone in theatre laughing like hell..
Best Punch: No doubt "Yippee Ki Yay", "Its always been for money"!!
I wondered through out the film, if such hacking is possible then am sure noone in the world is safe, then i also had a demonic wish that someone could hack my firewall so that i can blog again.. but dont think noone will do presently.. But the film like tomorrow never dies is a warning that these systems can indeed been manipulated by smart chap like gabriel.. i am sure network security people will have lot to say after seeing this film!!But alas i have managed to do a blog after long time.. bear with me if its too long.. it took me more than 3 days to post this.. looking forward to get my voraciousness in blogging again!!! untill next time!!
As the post suggests,this is going to be on the Live Free or Die hard which is running successfully in all major cities..Die hard 4.0 is how its called in the introscenes, The first three films in this series have all been my favourites so naturally i was expecting this film for almost an year ever since i heard that its being done, other two films i expect much more are Rambo 4 and National Treasure 2: Book of secrets both slated for next year summer releases..before entering the theatre i thought this film wont be much similiar to the first film for the first die hard film was my favourite among the three..alas i was wrong!!!
**************Spoilers Below!!!Ye Be Warned!!!*****************************

Will John Mclane and his single pistol succeed in yet another film??? was the question of many critics when the film was released showing a old bruce willis in the posters...But how wrong they were, as a matter of fact the magic worked again and i should say i was stunned by the stunts in the film!! i watched a preview show sometime back on AXN channel which was covering the stunts of the Die Hard 4.0 they said stunts were real and no dupes were used and Bruce willis took great risks in the orchestration of stunt scenes and the film is touted to beat pirates of the caribbean: At world's end in stunt choreography next year.. (The Last year winner was 300!!!) Before i get to the plot i got to pass the verdict, it was a typical die hard film, it was as good as the first film but there was no villain like Hans Gruber which was played by Alan Rickman(Also wellknown for his portrayal of Severus Snape in Harry Potter Movies!!) in the first film,but the action scenes make up for the villain..Its worth watching once atleast in theatre...
I watched the film in Seasons theatre of sathyam cinemas...this time the film was eventful in theatres cause it had the applauses and comments(very very rare in multiplexes, but the funda of film viewing is best in madurai)..The film starts with death of many computer hackers who are terminated for some reason which have to solved by who else? The FBI!! they soon send Detective Mcclane(willis) to investigate the issue to enquire a hacker named farell(played by justing long of jeepers creepers fame) and the action starts right away.. once again bruce willis finds himself as the "wrong person @ wrong place @ wrong time"(my previous blog title was inspired from diehard only!!) and he manages to kill handful number of terrrorists to save farell..together they plan to reach FBI Director.
Else where the villain is revealed and is on the process of revealing a mass attack on united states,then they begin their operations by making the traffic come to halt by controlling traffic lights, sending fake anthrax alarms in white house to make the computer people to evacuate to prevent their counter attack and funniest of them all they make the stock market shares go bonkers!! whole washington DC goes crazy at the time McClane and farell reach FBI boss who looks worser than all FBI heads shown in the entire series..then the message from the crooks come as a video footage that part was also hilarious which had the entire theatre rofl..the footage shows many american presidents delivering threat messages saying the crooks cannot be touched.. then farell begins to get the thick of things and he says its called firesale attack which is based on everything must go meaning Any computer-operated system will be a target for such an attack, including traffic signals, financial information and disabling of many public utilities..
McClane wants to ensure the safety of farell and therefore escorts, but villains are super snoopers and they are able to eliminate farell and McClane alone from the escort of the cars and this is when McClane talks with the Villain who asks him to shoot Farell and inreturn he can get anything he wants..Its like making a deal with devil as usual McClane Declines and this results in yet another pulsating chase sequence... Probably the best stunt in the movie.. Applause lasted a long time for the scene in which McClane brings the Helicopter with a car.. Whoa!! Typical McClane!
Then the remainder of the film shows the adventures of McClane and Farell tryin to use reverse analogy to track the villains, The Scene in which McClane talks about the drawbacks of being a hero saying..Because of being a hero no one recognizes him,the guy was left desolate with no wife and even children had great aversion from him(though it changes in the climax) as shown in the initial scene of the film where his daugher scolds him to leave her alone.. Finally saying "i dont like to do this job, if there was anyone to do it i would give it to them and leave but the fact is there is no one to do"..The scene would really discover the desolate part of McClane..
Then the usual diehard stuff, the action gets too personal McClane kills the girlfriend of villain Thomas Gabriel who threatens to kill McClane's daughter Lucy in return,the villain is later revealed to be former employee of NSA but dismissed for trying to prove a point that america's system is vulnerable(by hacking into US defense systems in a board meeting :)).. and the aim of the firesale was to make sure that Thomas Gabriel gets all financial info of stock markets which gets automatically stored into the NSA datacentre as a backup fearing the Firesale crisis.. McClane after discovering this says one of the most famous diehard phrases viz " Its always been for money!!"
Finally the big chase ensues..McClane pursues the villains who kidnapped lucy and farell in a truck and is about to ram them.. but before that villains hack into the F35 jet and orders them to toast the truck..F35 one of those planes with vertical take off feature is shown in the film, its been incorporated into the US airforce offlate..The Chase sequence is Bloody Brilliant.. After the spectacular chase comes the climax scene where in McClane eliminates all villains including thomas gabriel with the eternal signature punch "Yippee Ki Yay, @!_#(@!(#)!@(#_@(#!@()" (Bit euphemistic here).. Once again like in tamil films FBI comes in @ the closing ceremony!! the film ends with blooming of romance between Lucy and Farell(tats always on the cards)
Here s my take on the film, The film lives upto the expectation of mindboggling action film.. Bruce willis surely may look old, but sure got style.. arrogant pride is what makes his character looks iconic!!
Best Chase: The Helicopter chase tunnel sequence, brilliantly orchestrated!! see it in the theatre to see its real velocity!!
Best Comic scene: The scene in which farell tries to stop McClane from tearing the ignition plug of the car(when mcclane tries to start the car by ripping the ignition plug) by telling the fake reason to the answering lady had everyone in theatre laughing like hell..
Best Punch: No doubt "Yippee Ki Yay", "Its always been for money"!!
I wondered through out the film, if such hacking is possible then am sure noone in the world is safe, then i also had a demonic wish that someone could hack my firewall so that i can blog again.. but dont think noone will do presently.. But the film like tomorrow never dies is a warning that these systems can indeed been manipulated by smart chap like gabriel.. i am sure network security people will have lot to say after seeing this film!!But alas i have managed to do a blog after long time.. bear with me if its too long.. it took me more than 3 days to post this.. looking forward to get my voraciousness in blogging again!!! untill next time!!
haven seen it:((
I ll comment after seeing it.