Accidental Vacation
Enjoyed the Surprising Mini Vacation which just dropped along the way. Fingers crossed for a crucial week ahead. But the euphoria of vacation is still on.
Wanted to make my first post from an airport at least this time. tried twice but either my laptop went out or i was too busy doing something else when the idea struck @ the back of the head. I surely hope to do it definitely asap.
Looking forward to the next one.
Too tired to make a complete post as of now. It's been a while since i listed my travel log after the ones i used to list 3 years ago. The Complete post would make for an exciting story pretty much. Hoping to complete that really soon.
Dull race in Melbourne. Look forward to special win from Thalaivar's First podium or a win this season to the weekend ahead in Malaysia like i used to hope 4 years ago every year this particular time especially.
Adios Until then...