Happy Married Life EV & Lavanya!!
Love is just the beginning not every love story has a happy ending. Given the current chaotic state of the world which is growing exponentially in this world there is no guarantee in love pretty much. Many lose steam, many lose track haplessly, many break into thousand pieces but.. There are quite a few exceptions which stand together amidst all odds and go on until the very end. The Ultimatum Marriage.The one marriage that is scheduled to take place tomorrow falls exactly in to the type i listed above.
Bangalore Industrial Visit was just the starting point but they came a long way after that. After seeing a first hand view of the hardships they have been through i really appreciate their commitment through the tough times. I wish i were there in India to witness it in person. duh which i cant! right now all i can do is to congratulate them through this. I Wish them Good luck and an awesome married life ahead.
I am sure there are plenty of marriages that fall into the same category are coming up soon. Watch this space for more.
PS: I have been really busy off late, that's why the reduction in frequency. Will be back with more soon!!