One for the new year.
Oh boy, been a while since I posted something out here. Well it's a combination of multiple factors for my sabbatical which kept me from posting this, I can promise that this is the culmination of all my drafts which had been sitting for the past 2 months. I promise that I will make a posting regularly this year and to that I will stick too.
I forgot that it's my sixth anniversary of my baby(my blog of course). After glancing through my archive I have had this sense of fulfillment which gave me this euphoric feeling. It's not an easy task to keep a blog running among the six years and every time I want to reflect on a part of my life these provide more illumination and clarity for looking at the same issue in a different perspective. This blog is part of my evolution and it showed me how much I have come far from that time when I started this. A long way indeed.
As for the new year I would've to admit on the fact its a very special new year from the moment the clock chimed 12. I have a feeling it's going to be a very special year indeed. Reflecting on my past year I've had a rather very rough year for the initial 7 months and a wonderful 5 months to make it up for the hardship which I was put through. May be its the pattern of life and I can vouch for the fact that the fulfillment I attained in this past 5 months was well worth the 7 months of hassle and especially the last 3 months. They have been wonderful. I could write a blog on everyday for the past 90 days ever since I was lucky to gaze those emerald eyes. It's really amazing how one person can make a big difference on the outlook of life.
I have been really productive at work. My mom always says the mental satisfaction is the one which could drive you to an Utopian state where all your senses feel synergistic with the world and gives you that spark which would make you love everyday of life. I used to be really skeptical about her words if i really would go to that place because I am that sort of person who never gets satisfied with anything. Always looking for the next level to ascend too, but for once I felt I was disproved by mom's theory. I concur with her on the fact which could be the new transition which is taking over right now. I feel extremely happy everything synchronizes now work, family etc.
On a rather nostalgic note. I started off my blog with a post on Sherlock Holmes. Well I have always been an ardent follower of the series created by Doyle. I wanted to add a note about the modern adaptation of Sherlock Holmes in Sherlock. It's pretty amazing I haven't written a detailed blog on the series yet but quite possibly the best adaptation of Sherlock Holmes yet and had Doyle been alive how proud he would've been? One of the many reasons I love the show is because of the fact that the creators of the show are lovers of the original and they do their amazing best to allure to the original in all they could and very little attention to detail which makes the book readers proud of that fact. Most people who watch it for the sake of watching a TV show won't really understand the complete analogy and the root of the show. I will do a more detailed posting on this after the finale of the Season 2 which airs next week.
It's been a truly wonderful start so far, Among the six years I have been logging my experiences on my blog this year has to be the best new year's eve ever. I have to add the word Classy to highlight the significance. I feel so tempted to end this blog with a tune of Ennio Morricone but I have a special song specifically to end this post for a very specific reference.
Until Next time!!
The song is a cover of Immigrant Song by Trent Reznor & Karen O.